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The Executive Committee --

conducts the affairs of the Association between meetings of the Board of Directors. It Is composed of the Officers of the Association and the remaining Directors-at-Large not serving as Officers. 

Tobias Arndt
Office Name Phone E-mail
President Phillip Whitaker (OK)
president at aka.kite.org
1st Vice-PresidentTom Wallbank (OK) vp1 at aka.kite.org
2nd Vice-PresidentChristian Baden Powell (TX)
vp2 at aka.kite.org
Treasurer Cecilia Dallmer (PA)
treasurer at aka.kite.org
Secretary Ronda Brewer secretary at aka.kite.org

Director At Large Lindsey Johnson (OR) dal5 at aka.kite.org

Regional Directors

(represent the members in their geographical area)

Office Name Phone E-mail
Region 1
Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Upstate New York, Rhode Island, Vermont
Gary Engvall (RI)
rd1 at aka.kite.org
Region 2 New Jersey, Downstate New York, Pennsylvania Kurtis Jones(NJ)
rd2 at aka.kite.org
Region 3 Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia Mike Klaiber rd3 at aka.kite.org
Region 4 Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Puerto Rico Greg Lamoreux rd4 at aka.kite.org
Region 5 Michigan, Ohio Mike Dertien rd5 at aka.kite.org
Region 6 Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin Dale Bowden
rd6 at aka.kite.org
Region 7 Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Utah Sherman Myers
rd7 at aka.kite.org
Region 8 Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas Phillip Whitaker (OK)
rd8 at aka.kite.org
Region 9 Idaho, Montana, Oregon P Nguyen
rd9 at aka.kite.org
Region 10 Alaska, Washington Pamela Knight rd10 at aka.kite.org
Region 11 N. California, Nevada Darril de Latorre rd11 at aka.kite.org
Region 12 Arizona, S. California, Guam, Hawaii Don Fox rd12 at aka.kite.org
Region 13 InternationalGary Mark
rd13 at aka.kite.org


© 2021 American Kitefliers Association
All Rights Reserved. Founded in 1964
501(c)(3) nonprofit Corporation
Share the Joy!

P.O. Box 699

Cedar Ridge, CA  95924

Email: aka@aka.kite.org

(609) 755-KITE or (609) 755-5483

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