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45th Annual AKA Convention, September 9-14, 2024

  • 09/09/2024
  • 09/14/2024
  • Seaside, Oregon


(depends on selected options)

Base fee:

Registration is closed

The 45th Annual Convention

Seaside, Oregon September 9 - 14, 2024.

Register* today at:  https://members.kite.org/event-5749873


Join the AKA for its 60th Birthday Party in Seaside

We have held more AKA Conventions in Seaside, Oregon, than any other location. Why you ask? It has steady winds, lots of space on the beach to fly, and a great Convention Center with everything we need within walking distance. The flying beach is absolutely spectacular—great wind, hard-packed sand on a wide beach, rhythmic waves, and epic coastal views. Seaside is the place to be this September and we are looking forward to celebrating the AKA's 60th birthday together.

Due to the scheduling of other events in the Seaside Convention Center, we had to move our convention to the second week of September this year. It is the earliest that our convention has ever been held, but we are hoping the weather will be better than ever.  

The SaltLine is a new hotel built across the street from the Convention Center’s parking lot. We have partnered with SaltLine to be our Host Hotel this year. It’s conveniently located for grabbing something from your room on your way to the beach to fly kites. The SaltLine has given us a block of rooms with a great room rate. Please contact them at 971-601-1082 and tell them you are with the American Kitefliers Association with our discount code #B505479.

In 2019, the City of Seaside completed a full renovation of their Convention Center.  In addition to new meeting rooms and facilities, we will have access to a large indoor flying space from Tuesday morning to Friday, when the room will be transformed for the Friday night auction. There will be indoor workshops, competitions, and lots of free flying time all day long.  While indoor flying is one of the events we hold at our conventions, there are many of us who’ve never had the time or facility to experience it. Now’s our chance. If you don’t have an indoor kite, take a workshop and build one.

Every morning, we are planning to have an amazing choice of workshops held in four rooms for two sessions: 9:00-10:15 and 10:30-11:45. We are lucky to have such a generous community of artists who are volunteering time to share their kite passion with convention attendees. All workshops are free to registered attendees only.  Most classes don’t require any materials, while others offer the option of buying materials at the workshop. (If you want to take a sewing workshop, please note that on your application.)  The workshop list is subject to change, and an actual schedule will be provided in the convention program. Go to www.kite.org for more details. As in past years, the sewing workshop room will be open all day, rain or shine.

Last but not least, every afternoon we’re planning to do lots of flying. In addition to the competitions and mass ascensions, there will be space for show kites and demonstrations. The public will be invited to enjoy the celebration. The Convention Committee has worked hard for the last year to make all this happen, and I am honored to have had the time to work with them. I invite you to come join us. Let’s celebrate our 45th Annual Meeting, National Convention and Grand National Kite Competition in sunny Seaside, Oregon.

Phillip E. R. Whitaker

Convention Committee Chairman  

Register* today at...  https://members.kite.org/event-5749873 

When you complete the online registration, please check the question(s) "yes" if you want to bring a sewing machine, fly sport kites or compete in one or more categories of competition.

Book your room at our host hotel: SaltLine, 250 1st Avenue, Seaside, Oregon, by calling 971-601-1082. Tell them you’re with the AKA Convention and ask for our discounted rates with our discount code #B505479


Deadlines & Refunds:

If the AKA cancels the Convention, at any time, due to the coronavirus pandemic, all registration fees will be refunded 100%.  Early bird discounts end July 8, 2024. 

Members cancelling their own registrations prior to July 10, 2024, will receive 100% refund.  Members cancelling their own registrations between July 11 and August 10, 2024 will receive 50% refund. There will be no refunds after August 10, 2024 unless the AKA cancels as noted above. (Please note that the AKA has no control over hotel reservations and/or its refund policies. If you cancel your Convention registration, remember to also contact your hotel.)

Can I register now and pay later?  Yes.  You can register for the Convention today but instead of making a payment, hit the "invoice me" tab. You can then pay any time before July 8, 2024 to receive the early bird discount.  Unpaid registrations will automatically be suspended after July 8 and will need to be renewed at the non-discounted registration rate.

For more information, call the AKA office 609-755-5483 


*By registering for the Convention, you agree to the following:

In consideration for the right to compete, as well as participate in the American Kitefliers Association 45th Annual National Convention and Grand National Competition (the Event), I hereby hold the American Kitefliers Association, the City of Seaside, Oregon, the sponsors, promoter, and any and all other persons associated with the Event harmless and release them from any and all liability in connection with my participation. I agree to engage in, and promote safe, responsible flying and to adhere to all event safety rules. I agree to inspect all facilities, fields, and equipment prior to participating and to immediately share any safety concerns with event organizers. I acknowledge that kiteflying may involve risk of serious injury and/or economic losses resulting from my actions and those of others and assume this risk and agree not to sue event sponsors, organizers, owners and lessors of event locations, and event participants as well as the American Kitefliers Association, its directors, agents and volunteers for losses damages, property damage or injury. I further agree that the Event may use, without payment, permission or restriction any photograph, film, tape, or digital image in which I may appear for any purpose whatsoever. I understand that the AKA does not control the weather and that there will be no refunds given due to cancellation of any events after August 10, 2024.. NOTE: by registering on behalf of a participant less than 18 years old, the parent or guardian also expressly agrees to all of the above agreement.




© 2021 American Kitefliers Association
All Rights Reserved. Founded in 1964
501(c)(3) nonprofit Corporation
Share the Joy!

P.O. Box 699

Cedar Ridge, CA  95924

Email: aka@aka.kite.org

(609) 755-KITE or (609) 755-5483

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